"Duplicate" Option in Status Field?

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Daddy Peacebucks
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"Duplicate" Option in Status Field?

Post by Daddy Peacebucks »

When creating an entry, I noticed there is an option called "Duplicate" in the Status field (the last choice, after "Follow Up"). Two questions:

1) Is this new to v1.8.1? I don't remember seeing it before.

2) What is its purpose?

I changed the status of an existing entry to "Duplicate" and the only thing that happened was the icon in the far left column changed to two overlapping squares, and the Status column changed to "D". It had the same effect on the Balance as a single entry.

Also, in the Help file it says (under the "Transaction Status" section):
Duplicate:The status will be automatically be changed to duplicate if it is recognized as such.
So I tried to create two identical entries (both manually, as well as simply duplicating an existing entry, even keeping the dates identical), but all I got were two entries, neither had the overlapping box icons, and neither had the "D" in the Status field. So again I'm not sure what the purpose of this option is.
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Daddy Peacebucks
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Re: "Duplicate" Option in Status Field?

Post by Daddy Peacebucks »

Nobody can answer either question (especially the 2nd one)?
MMEX v1.8.1 [portable 64-bit]
(certified vegan and now with EXTRA gluten!)
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