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Single Account (4x1) Widget Usage

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:20 pm
by profbib

I am not clear on the function/usage of the single account widget provided in the android version of MMEX.  I assume from the title that it should show the balance for one account and perhaps provide a link to make new entries into said account, but once I have added it to my desktop, all I can ever seem to make it do is go to a default transaction entry page in the app.

What am I missing here?  What do I need to do to get this widget configured?  I have the same trouble on my phone (Nexus 5x) and tablet (Nexus 7).


Re: Single Account (4x1) Widget Usage

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:46 am
by MisterY
Hi, Evan,

I do not understand the question. What you describe as your expectations is exactly what the widget does - it shows the balance with a plus button that allows quick access to creation of new transactions. Did I understand correctly?
The widget, for now, is using the default account at first. However, you can change the account once on the entry screen. The configuration screen has not been completed yet but is foreseen. It will allow selecting the account to use for displaying the balance and default as the account for the new transaction.