Is this the end?

MMEX4Desktop, incl. Windows, macOS (10.10 or newer), and Most Unix variants using the GTK+ toolkit

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Is this the end?

Post by Phototaker »

I still can't get anything at all to work. It seems that several other threads on this page also can't get various thing to happen. The other are all using more advanced functions that I have never gone near. I have only been using the program to track bank account & reoccurring transactions. To make sure there is enough to pay the bills on time.

I can go to my weeks old list of reoccurring events & see the list OK .I can select an item from the list & edit the amount & I can hear the PC's audio response but the figure hasn't changed. If I take it one small step further & try to enter the event this doesn't occur either.

If the fault didn't occur because a change in your software then I expect that the only other thing left are Windows updates.

I have also tried the Android version on a tablet & it doesn't work either.

Is there any likelihood of any resolution to these problems in the near future or do I need to do the unthinkable & look for different software?