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Merging the tag back into trunk

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:00 am
by omalleypat
So we have a ton of conflicts that we need to sort out in order to merge all our fixes from back onto trunk. I fixed a few easy ones already, but here's the full list:

Checking the src folder:

Code: Select all

svn merge --dry-run -x -b -x --ignore-eol-style ./src/

Code: Select all

--- Merging r422 through r735 into 'src':
CG   src/mmhomepagepanel.cpp
CG   src/assetdialog.cpp
 G   src/mmhelppanel.cpp
 G   src/mmgraphgenerator.cpp
 G   src/wxsqlite3.cpp
UG   src/led.cpp
 G   src/splittransactionsdialog.cpp
 G   src/mmcategory.cpp
   C src/reportcategovertimeperf.cpp
 G   src/transdialog.cpp
 G   src/mmyahoo.cpp
 G   src/qifimport.cpp
 G   src/htmlbuilder.cpp
UG   src/optionsdialog.cpp
 G   src/budgetentrydialog.cpp
 G   src/tinystr.cpp
 G   src/univcsvdialog.cpp
 G   src/tinyxmlerror.cpp
 G   src/maincurrencydialog.cpp
CG   src/mmtransaction.cpp
 G   src/yahoosettingsdialog.cpp
 G   src/tinyxmlparser.cpp
 G   src/splitdetailsdialog.cpp
 G   src/fileviewerdialog.cpp
 G   src/wxtinyxml.cpp
CG   src/mmcheckingpanel.cpp
CG   src/dbwrapper.cpp
CG   src/mmaccount.cpp
CG   src/budgetingpanel.cpp
GG   src/aboutdialog.cpp
CG   src/budgetyearentrydialog.cpp
CG   src/billsdepositsdialog.cpp
CG   src/billsdepositspanel.cpp
 G   src/stockdialog.cpp
UG   src/newacctdialog.cpp
 G   src/tinyxml.cpp
CG   src/mmex.cpp
 G   src/mmreportspanel.cpp
   C src/wxsqlite3_1_7.cpp
 G   src/currencydialog.cpp
   C src/customsqldialog.cpp
CG   src/budgetyeardialog.cpp
CG   src/filtertransdialog.cpp
CG   src/util.cpp
 G   src/appstartdialog.cpp
CG   src/assetspanel.cpp
 G   src/payeedialog.cpp
 G   src/mmcurrency.cpp
CG   src/mmcoredb.cpp
 G   src/mmpayee.cpp
Summary of conflicts:
  Text conflicts: 16
  Tree conflicts: 3
The include folder (most of these with have C in the 3rd col are tree conflicts bc of the reorganization of trunk to move headers to src, so we can ignore them):

Code: Select all

svn merge --dry-run -x -b -x --ignore-eol-style ./include/

Code: Select all

--- Merging r408 through r735 into 'include':
   C include/mmgraphpie.h
   C include/reportsummary.h
   C include/reportcategexp.h
   C include/reportpayee.h
   C include/billsdepositsdialog.h
   C include/categdialog.h
   C include/newacctdialog.h
   C include/mmex.h
   C include/budgetyeardialog.h
   C include/util.h
   C include/filtertransdialog.h
 G   include/wxautocombobox.h
   C include/reportincexpenses.h
   C include/assetspanel.h
   C include/mmgraphtopcategories.h
   C include/mmhomepagepanel.h
   C include/assetdialog.h
   C include/guiid.h
   C include/reportcashflow.h
   C include/splittransactionsdialog.h
   C include/mmcategory.h
   C include/optionsdialog.h
 G   include/_wx_intellisense.h
   C include/htmlbuilder.h
   C include/budgetentrydialog.h
   C include/mmtransaction.h
   C include/maincurrencydialog.h
   C include/reportincexpesestime.h
   C include/fileviewerdialog.h
   C include/wxsqlite3_secure
   C include/sqlite3.h
   C include/mmcheckingpanel.h
   C include/stockspanel.h
   C include/dbwrapper.h
   C include/reportcustomsql.h
   C include/budgetingpanel.h
   C include/aboutdialog.h
   C include/budgetyearentrydialog.h
   C include/mmdbinterface.h
   C include/billsdepositspanel.h
   C include/reporttransstats.h
   C include/stockdialog.h
 G   include/tinyxml.h
   C include/reporttransactions.h
 G   include/wx/wxsqlite3dyn.h
 G   include/wx/wxsqlite3def.h
 G   include/wx/wxsqlite3.h
 G   include/wx/wxsqlite3opt.h
   C include/wx/wxSqlite3Macros.h
   C include/mmreportspanel.h
   C include/customsqldialog.h
   C include/currencydialog.h
   C include/reportsummaryassets.h
   C include/appstartdialog.h
   C include/reportbudgetingperf.h
   C include/payeedialog.h
   C include/mmcurrency.h
   C include/mmpanelbase.h
   C include/reportbudgetsetup.h
   C include/resource.h
   C include/mmcoredb.h
   C include/mmpayee.h
   C include/chart.h
   C include/mmgraphgenerator.h
   C include/mmhelppanel.h
   C include/sqlite3ext.h
   C include/reportbase.h
   C include/mmgraphincexpensesmonth.h
   C include/reportcategovertimeperf.h
   C include/transdialog.h
   C include/mmyahoo.h
UG   include/awx/led.h
   C include/mmAccounts.h
 G   include/tinystr.h
   C include/univcsvdialog.h
   C include/reportsummarystocks.h
   C include/yahoosettingsdialog.h
   C include/splitdetailsdialog.h
   C include/defs.h
 G   include/wxtinyxml.h
   C include/mmaccount.h
And any header files that were in the include folder in the branch that were moved to the src folder in trunk:

Code: Select all

svn merge --dry-run -r 407:HEAD -x -b -x --ignore-eol-style ./src/

Code: Select all

--- Merging r422 through r735 into 'src':
 G   src/mmgraphpie.h
 G   src/reportsummary.h
CG   src/reportcategexp.h
 G   src/reportpayee.h
 G   src/billsdepositsdialog.h
 G   src/newacctdialog.h
CG   src/mmex.h
 G   src/budgetyeardialog.h
 G   src/util.h
 G   src/filtertransdialog.h
   C src/wxautocombobox.h
 G   src/reportincexpenses.h
UG   src/assetspanel.h
CG   src/mmgraphtopcategories.h
 G   src/mmhomepagepanel.h
UG   src/assetdialog.h
CG   src/guiid.h
CG   src/reportcashflow.h
 G   src/splittransactionsdialog.h
 G   src/mmcategory.h
UG   src/optionsdialog.h
   C src/_wx_intellisense.h
 G   src/htmlbuilder.h
 G   src/budgetentrydialog.h
 G   src/mmtransaction.h
 G   src/maincurrencydialog.h
 G   src/reportincexpesestime.h
 G   src/fileviewerdialog.h
   C src/wxsqlite3_secure
   C src/sqlite3.h
CG   src/mmcheckingpanel.h
 G   src/dbwrapper.h
   C src/reportcustomsql.h
 G   src/budgetingpanel.h
 G   src/aboutdialog.h
 G   src/budgetyearentrydialog.h
 G   src/mmdbinterface.h
CG   src/billsdepositspanel.h
 G   src/reporttransstats.h
 G   src/stockdialog.h
   C src/tinyxml.h
UG   src/reporttransactions.h
   C src/wx
 G   src/mmreportspanel.h
   C src/customsqldialog.h
 G   src/currencydialog.h
CG   src/reportsummaryassets.h
 G   src/appstartdialog.h
CG   src/reportbudgetingperf.h
 G   src/payeedialog.h
 G   src/mmcurrency.h
 G   src/mmpanelbase.h
CG   src/reportbudgetsetup.h
 G   src/resource.h
 G   src/mmcoredb.h
 G   src/mmpayee.h
CG   src/chart.h
 G   src/mmgraphgenerator.h
 G   src/mmhelppanel.h
   C src/sqlite3ext.h
 G   src/reportbase.h
 G   src/mmgraphincexpensesmonth.h
 G   src/reportcategovertimeperf.h
 G   src/transdialog.h
 G   src/mmyahoo.h
   C src/awx
   C src/mmAccounts.h
   C src/tinystr.h
 G   src/univcsvdialog.h
CG   src/reportsummarystocks.h
 G   src/yahoosettingsdialog.h
 G   src/splitdetailsdialog.h
 G   src/defs.h
   C src/wxtinyxml.h
 G   src/mmaccount.h
Summary of conflicts:
  Text conflicts: 12
  Tree conflicts: 13
So plan of attack? I just want to make sure we don't lose any of our changes...

Re: Merging the tag back into trunk

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:56 am
by Vadim
You can try to move headers 0.9.6 from src to ../include folder before merging (emulate old dirs locations). I'm not sure whether it helps but it worse to try. If diff will be correct after merging, just move headers to its new place in src and commit.

Re: Merging the tag back into trunk

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:24 am
by omalleypat

I don't think that is the best way to do it. The third merge command I used above hould do the same thing without the unnecessary moving:

Code: Select all

svn merge --dry-run -r 407:HEAD -x -b -x --ignore-eol-style ./src/
I will try to get as many of the changes merged as possible on my own, if I have problems I will post here for others to review.

Re: Merging the tag back into trunk

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:45 pm
by omalleypat
Vadim, Nilkolay,

I have successfully merged many changes back to the trunk, although I'm afraid I am not comfortable with a few of the files:


Would you guys take a look and merge any relevant changes back? I have been merging the changes in pairs (.cpp/.h) one file per commit to keep things simple (you can see recent trunk log messages as an example).

Re: Merging the tag back into trunk

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:54 pm
by Nikolay
Hi Pat,

Sorry. I'm not sure what I can do it right.


Re: Merging the tag back into trunk

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:53 pm
by Vadim
Don't commit if you are not sure that these changes are correct. I don't have enough free time and will to review all commits to trunk. I many times said the trunk differs from branch. It's not enough only that your merge does not have conflicts in trunk. Anyone should carefully review what you are going to commit. The trunk was very stable before these merges. Now we have assertion failure when mmex starts if mmexini.db3 was deleted. The source of problem it seems in rev.777. So, the author of these changes should fix this bug ASAP or revert this commit.