Version 1.7.0 is released

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Version 1.7.0 is released

Post by whall3y »

The Version 1.7.0 is released


  • Your database will be updated once you run this version. You will then not be able to open your database with earlier versions of the software. As ever, it is recommended to take a copy of your database prior to installing any new software version. ... 5?closed=1

* #6247 GA4 integration
* #6246 Have Flathub as the sole distribution mechanism for MMEX on Linux
* #5401 Import with custom columns
* #4232 Option to easily view all transactions for a payee by selection
* #6354 Update GRM submodule for 1.7.0
* #6333 Recent Files list doesn't always show the full path to the recent MMX .mmb files
* #6332 Copy text on About window
* #6322 wxWidgets 3.2.4 released
* #6311 [Feature Request] Use Credit Card credit limit to format Credit Limit field automatically
* #6308 Sort share accounts in the nav panel by STOCKNAME instead of STOCKID
* #6305 Remove wxDatePickerCtrl workaround for MacOS
* #6200 New/Edit Scheduled Transaction: Set Focus on Amount should select its value
* #6185 General Manager Reports
* #6143 Rename Full Transactions Report to Account View: All Transactions
* #6069 Please extend the `Search` field to the end of the window. Thank you
* #6063 Strings ordering
* #6062 Organize vs Organise
* #5989 Build with wxWidgets 3.2.3
* #5464 Improve budget perfomance report
* #5439 Addition of "classes" or "tags"
* #4899 Import dialog / Appearance of the list of templates
* #4270 Import data into custom fields from CSV (& other file formats)
* #1983 Change name of Recurring Transactions to Transaction Planner
* #1349 Consolidate and README.TXT

* #6346 Invalid Menu ID causing debug alert
* #6338 No error message shown when unable to move transactions from one account to another with an invalid account creation data
* #6323 Booking in foreign currency
* #6296 MMEX Instance crashes when trying to create a new Asset
* #6281 Plural when multiple transactions selected
* #6280 `Tags` down-arrow too small
* #6270 Transaction Report - Wrong Field(s) Become Hidden Due to Tags/Rate Column Indices
* #6212 Transaction Report crashes if category starts with `+`
* #6203 Refresh Stock Prices from Yahoo error "url using bad/illegal format or missing url" in version 1.7.0 beta.1
* #6183 Tags Filtering
* #6154 `Color` not showing in `Transaction Filter` as vertical scrollbar can not go any further down
* #6141 MMEX 1.7 Beta 1 - High CPU & GPU usage when Edit Transaction and Transaction Filter dialogs are displayed
* #6140 Dropdown menus issue (duplicated list)
* #6102 Dashboard Transaction Statistics erroneously includes deleted transactions
* #6098 View Since Statement Date does not work unless account statement is Locked
* #6096 MMEX icon in ALT+TAB is blurry
* #6089 Crash when adding a new asset
* #6077 MMEX database Upgrade to version 18 Failed
* #6074 Money format question
* #6071 Saving account - deposit 0, saved as withdrawal
* #6064 Memory leaks on CSV import
* #6040 Refresh Stock Prices from Yahoo error "url using bad/illegal format or missing url"
* #6036 Crash in theme manager
* #5988 Homepage account balances wrong for some currencies
* #5344 macOS menubar Window option position & localization
* #5330 MacOS window refresh UI client area corruption
* #5328 bad string (translations issue)
* #5215 Transaction Filter dialog loses its saved display location on the screen
* #1691 Stock errors
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