how to see split transaction by total amount vs isolated category amount

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how to see split transaction by total amount vs isolated category amount

Post by Eduardommex »

Today, I reviewed all the transactions loaded on the current day using the “All Transactions” menu option, specifically filtering by the amount spent. During this process, I noticed that when creating a split transaction, the system only considers the amount spent on individual categories, not the total transaction amount.

I initially expected to see both the total and each isolated spend in the list. However, I later realized that the table contains two different fields, and the filter can only consider one of them, the field that is common with 100% of the transaction. This was the reason I couldn't find the transaction by the total amount spent.

I do not know if this issue was discussed before (I did not find it), and know for this propose I can create some custom report, but I'm just expressing my thought, Is it possible to include both fields to filter it?
Alternatively, it might be helpful to prominently highlight this case somewhere visible.
I spent a significant amount of time trying to understand why I couldn't find a transaction that I was sure I had created just five minutes ago.

Thank you for your assistance and this useful tools I use every day to manage my personal Finance.