[SOLVED] Problem: Multiple Accounts, Different Currencies

MMEX4Android: Manage your finances on-the-go, encrypted for security, sync via your own cloud

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[SOLVED] Problem: Multiple Accounts, Different Currencies

Post by Ryoojin83 »


I just started using your app and I am loving it. Just getting it setup when I noticed a small issue.

In the Android app, when I am shown my total balance of all of my bank accounts, it treats JPY as USD. Most ofl my accounts are USD, but I have one JPY account. My default currency is USD. Is there a way to get separate totals for each currency?

Since finding this I haven't been able to check my desktop application yet to check if it happens there too.
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Re: Problem: Multiple Accounts, Different Currencies

Post by indestructiblelion »

[EDIT, Feb 23, 2024]: I was wrong! The below solution is for syncing currencies ont the destop version (I'm using Ubuntu Linux and it works fine on that). Please note this is an ongoing version with the MMEX android app (I have the latest version updated on FDroid).

I solved it, check here out: https://moneymanagerex.org/moneymanager ... l#section8

The short of it is: click Tools > Organize Currency > then click to sync online with your given currencies (e.g., JPY and USD) and that should fix it. It did for me anyway.

Full excerpt:
"Working with Currencies

MMEX can be used in many countries, MMEX need to consider the currency for the country of use. When creating a new database, the Base Currency is set to the currency used in the user's country. If the user's currency setting is not listed in the default currencies, the user can create their own currency Listing.

MMEX allows us to work with more than one currency. Each account has its own currency setting, and will default to the base currency. When we set accounts with different currencies, the transactions we create in these accounts will reflect the currency of the account.
Use the toolbar icon for quick selection of the Organize Currencies dialog
Use the ↑/↓ keys to navigate the currency selection

You can manage Currencies by using the menu item: Tools → Organize Currency.

Add a new Currency:

Use the Add button in the Currency Dialog
Provide a suitable name for your new currency.
Note: This name is not changeable, but the currency can be deleted if not being used.
Adjust the currency values in the Currency Manager.
Use the Update button to save the changes before closing.

When more than one currency is being used, the Conversion to Base Rate needs to be set. This will allow the value of the currency to properly reflect the value at the base rate.

To allow Automatic Currency update, the Currency Symbol needs to be set for the particular currency being used."
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Re: [Not-SOLVED] Problem: Multiple Accounts, Different Currencies

Post by indestructiblelion »

Just for clearer visibility, I want to reclarify that I was mistaken in my first post and this issue is not resolved (currency issues on Android). For me too on Android, Japanese Yen is formatting without the currency conversion (so like 400 Japanese Yen is showing up at $400 USD when it should be like $3 or $4 USD).

Please let me know if there is a solution in the works for this.
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Re: [SOLVED] Problem: Multiple Accounts, Different Currencies

Post by guanlisheng »

@indestructiblelion , can you try the apk in the issue https://github.com/moneymanagerex/andro ... ssues/1620
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