v1.8.0 Desktop is released

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v1.8.0 Desktop is released

Post by whall3y »

The Version 1.8.0 is released

Download: https://moneymanagerex.org/docs/downloads/latest/


For Linux builds we are now only officially supporting [Linux Flatpak images](https://flathub.org/apps/org.moneymanagerex.MMEX)

https://github.com/moneymanagerex/money ... 2?closed=1

* #5685 Transaction report charts
* #3681 Provide 'view reset' option
* #6633 [i18n] Update Help directory for English from en_GB to en_US
* #6581 multi transaction Update: move Time Input to next line
* #6481 MMB Files (*.mmb): 1. Add a space; and, 2. allow translation
* #6457 Make Transaction column value copyable
* #6566 Pie chart in Reports - Number format is inconsistent with decimal digits count & comma separation
* #6431 open dialogue extension
* #6408 Transaction Report - Rate column
* #6386 Ensure that the generated file from NEWS.md can pass Flathub validation.
* #5824 Transaction Filter / Nav Label Changes
* #5512 Keep a history of past transaction report filters
* #2729 Store the time of transaction

* #6672 Tag not entered when scheduled transaction is auto-registered
* #6658 Transaction Filter dialog size is not stable
* #6642 Incorrect balance being exported to CSV
* #6640 Credit Limit progress bar shouldn't include future payment
* #6639 Summary Report does not ignore deleted transactions
* #6632 Design or bug - specifying ALL accounts on Transaction Filter
* #6614 Translations are not shown for strings which include the char →
* #6610 Asset "Initial Value" on dashboard does not display the initial value, VALUE field includes void transactions
* #6608 `Current Value` of `Other Assets (124)` in `Assets` shown on `Dashboard` is **not** right justified
* #6596 Translated Help (index) pages link to English sub-pages (grm, budget, stocks_and_shares) even when translations are available
* #6595 When set the color, note is inserted
* #6589 Transaction Report not filtering categories if period range specified
* #6583 Remove shortcut hints shown in the "frequently used notes" menu on Linux
* #6573 Dashboard - Accounts- context menu Y position
* #6572 `Edit Account` dialog
* #6570 Scheduled Transaction Dialog - Payments Left
* #6561 Unchecked in custom field, date format
* #6554 export as CSV file, wrong text in savefiledialog
* #6548 can't resize split note dialog
* #6524 CSV upload payee matching: option "Add Match Details to Notes" does not work
* #6523 Transaction Report not showing all tagged transactions
* #6503 Move transactions
* #6497 Using the right-click menu option "Find all transations with..." in the 'All Transactions' panel does not apply the filter
* #6493 Wrong exchange rate downloaded for BTC/CHF
* #6489 Bad desktop file
* #6480 Transaction Report Filter Saved Settings - Category is cleared on focus if it contains a regular expression or a Category not in the list
* #6476 Crash when 'bad' filter identified
* #6474 comma not always accepted with different settings
* #6465 1.7.0 has compile error when compiling from source
* #6424 Tags are not being copied during copy/paste transactions
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