Avoiding duplicate entries

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Avoiding duplicate entries

Post by magavara »

Hi Forum,
I download all account transactions from my banks as csv files at irregular intervals. I have over 20 different accounts and often keep ending up with multiple duplicates. Is there any way to filter out duplicate entries, either at the time of import or afterwards? ... Or what do others do to avoid importing duplicate entries?
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Re: Avoiding duplicate entries

Post by Renato »

Why are these entries duplicated?
Does this affect bookings that have already been imported and are now contained in the .CSV again?
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Re: Avoiding duplicate entries

Post by magavara »

Yes, that is exactly what happens. For example, I would import the csv files on the 15th of the month, but I would always need to set the date to overlap the date of my last import, so that the transactions included in my new download would go back to the 8th or even earlier.
The reason for this is because we often have transactions that come through late by certain vendors. I.e., I may have made a purchase on the 9th but the transaction will not appear until the 12th,or it will be listed as “pending” and is therefor not included when I export my transactions. We have this kind of thing happen regularly on all our credit card accounts. The same is true if I import on the 15th, but some purchases I made on the 12th may not be posted until the 18th or later, so I would have to catch those next time.
So, in order to catch everything I always overlap the dates of the imports, and in doing so I will catch the late postings but unfortunately also import others that have already been imported previously.
It would therefor be helpful if I could weed out those duplicates either at the time of import or else after wards. But I can’t seem to figure out how to do that with MMEX. Thanks for your help.
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Re: Avoiding duplicate entries

Post by Renato »

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