V1.80 continues to impress - especially now improved (visually) on my new MacBook Pro - so much so, that further ways forward to that Utopian end-point spring to mind the more I use it.
But for now…
Recently I have decided to further review the accuracy of some of my Shares Account data, especially needed since the re-working of the Stocks & Shares in MMEX v1.3.1.
I have discovered (as if I hadn’t guessed!) that the tidying up involves finding all my historic Scrip/Dividend certificates - made more ‘fiddly’ in view of DRiP and cash payments from scrip rights sales (not to mention fractional payments on some of these)- and the desire to be as complete as possible.
The result is a veritable mix of share and cash transactions to verify and add. (Albeit still to quantify.)
The cash transactions are relatively easy as amounts are visible, line by line against dates.
Currently, it seems that the only way I can see when [what quantity of] shares have been added (or sold?) is via a right-click on the Stock in question in the Stock Portfolio view > Stock Transaction option.
It would be really helpful if these transaction details could be available in the Account View - as extra columns!
Each field could be included/excluded, as required, as with the other fields. These data are already available in the stock transaction lines, so why not allow a more ready view? (Going back and forth using the current method is ‘messy’ and tiresome at least, and fraught with the possibilities of errors. It lacks slickness and a feeling of continuous progress.)
Also, why not add an in-View field of the shares balance (again right-click - includable/excludable)? This would (should) tally with that in the Stock Portfolio view.
Identifying transaction types using colour themes, just does that - in the case of stocks - colour gives no hint of the detail sought.
It has always mystify me when adding a shares purchase or sale, it is via “Add Transaction” in the Stock Portfolio view. I understand that his provides the necessary linking of data to tie transactions within a Stock together.
Clearly there must be good reasoning for this approach, but wonder why the following could not be developed.
Could not this be simply arranged (specially coded) as a Duplicate Transaction in the Account view? In this way the Transaction Details on the RHS of the dialogue would retain consistency, including the formatting of the Notes. So much quicker and slicker and rewarding in the reduction of tedium. (As computerisation is supposed to make possible!)
Necessary editting of these data may well be needed at this stage, concentrating on those, not the mechanical tedium of filling some fields w/- the often, patently obvious data.
Maybe there is some significant connection between the coding used for Stocks and that used for Assets and consideration of the other may be needed to prevent unintended consequences.
Whatever the possibilities of the above I think it worthy of consideration,
And look forward to comments.
Increased Visibility of Stocks’ Transaction Activity in the Shares Account View
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