Tax summary report

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Tax summary report

Post by dbolton »

I'm new to the report manager. How would I go about creating a report that does the following?
1. Lists all the transactions in a handful of tax-related categories (such as "Interest", "Salary", "Business expense", "Charity", etc.)
2. Includes totals for each of these tax-related categories.
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Re: Tax summary report

Post by Nikolay »

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Re: Tax summary report

Post by Nikolay »

I don't understand your task. But you can start from this report: ... ithdrawals

I've added where sc.SUBCATEGNAME in ('Interest', 'Salary') at the botton of the following script.

Code: Select all

SELECT				id,					AS date,
	wd_data.amount				AS amount,
	COALESCE(c.categname, '')
	||  ":" || 
	COALESCE(sc.subcategname, '')	AS cat,
	wd_data.notes				AS notes,
	p.payeename					AS payee,
	acc.accountname				AS account,
	c.PFX_SYMBOL				AS pfx_symbol,
	c.SFX_SYMBOL				AS sfx_symbol,
	c.GROUP_SEPARATOR			AS group_separator,
	c.DECIMAL_POINT				AS decimal_point
FROM (SELECT	t1.transid		AS id,
	t1.transdate				AS date,
	t2.splittransamount		AS amount,
	t2.categid				AS catid,
	t2.subcategid				AS subcatid, 
	''						AS notes,
	t1.payeeid				AS payeeid,
	t1.accountid				AS accountid
	FROM splittransactions_v1 AS t2
		INNER JOIN checkingaccount_v1 AS t1	ON t1.TRANSID = t2.TRANSID
	t1.transcode = "Withdrawal"
SELECT	ca.transid	AS id,
	ca.transdate		AS date,
	ca.transamount	AS amount,
	ca.categid		AS catid,
	ca.subcategid		AS subcatid, 
	ca.notes			AS notes,
	ca.payeeid		AS payeeid,
	ca.accountid		AS accountid
	FROM  checkingaccount_v1 AS ca
		ca.transcode = "Withdrawal" AND ca.categid <>-1
) AS wd_data
LEFT JOIN accountlist_v1 AS acc ON wd_data.accountid = acc.accountid
LEFT JOIN category_v1 AS c ON wd_data.catid=c.categid
LEFT JOIN subcategory_v1 AS sc ON wd_data.subcatid= sc.subcategid
LEFT JOIN payee_v1 AS p ON wd_data.payeeid = p.payeeid
where sc.SUBCATEGNAME in ('Interest', 'Salary')
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Re: Tax summary report

Post by mikhailo2608il »

The SQL query that Nikolay gave you above will give a listing of all the relevant transactions. Getting the subtotals is a bit more challenging. What I suggest is that you export the result of the SQL query above to an HTML file and take that file and put it into a spreadsheet where you use a pivot table to get you the subtotals by category. Let me explain in more detail. I would tweak the SQL to have the date picker allow you to select a range of transactions. To that end you want to change the WHERE clause

ca.transcode = "Withdrawal" AND ca.categid <>-1

ca.transcode = "Withdrawal" AND ca.categid <>-1 AND ca.transdate >= '&begin_date' AND ca.transdate <= '&end_date'

This will require that you select the date range you are interested in when you run the report.

Once you run the report you will go into the File menu and select the Export choice and within the Export choice select the Report to HTML choice. After you have saved the report to an HMTL file you open a spreadsheet program (Excel, LibreCalc, ...) and then open the HTML file you exported from Money Manager EX. Now within the spreadsheet program you select the cells that comprise the SQL column headers and the list of transactions to create a pivot table. When the pivot table dialog comes up you move the SQL column header "cat" from the available fields to the row fields and you move the SQL column header "amount" from the available fields to the data fields, hit ENTER and you will be looking at a pivot table that has the subtotals of all the subcategories that were in the original query as well as a grand total.

This is the easiest way to get the information you need. It took me less than 15 minutes to do what is described above from start to finish. And it only required little more than a novice knowledge of Excel. And it is low maintenance in that if you want to include more subcategories in the SQL query you simply update the query within the General Report Manager. The pivot table you create will take care of the subtotals.


If you were determined to accomplish getting the subtotals within Money Manager EX itself then you will be working towards that end for several hours or even days. You will have to do the subtotalling in the LUA tab of the report definition. And you will have to edit the Template tab of the report definition to include those subtotals. And if you ever wanted to subtotal some additional subcategories that you later decide to include then you have to change the LUA code and the Template again in addition to the SQL query.

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Re: Tax summary report

Post by dbolton »

Amazing! Nikolay, I adapted your last time to include all the categories I wanted, then added an "ORDER BY" line to group the transactions by category/subcategory.

Code: Select all

WHERE sc.SUBCATEGNAME in ('Charity','Dentist','Doctor','Eyecare')  OR c.CATEGNAME in ('Interest Inc','Salary','Other Inc','Business expense','Tax')
I also deleted SQL code that limited transactions to withdrawals only.

This successfully completes point 1 in my original post. I'm now struggling with point 2. How would I add a row above each category that includes a total for all the transactions in that category?

EDIT: Sorry I didn't refresh my tab and see the additional information from mikhailo2608il. Thank you for the insight.
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Re: Tax summary report

Post by Nikolay »

LUA script may help with a subtotals.

Learn how other reports use it

For example: ... ontent.lua
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Re: Tax summary report

Post by dbolton »

Nikolay, I am almost there with the totals, but having some trouble with a few of the totals. Is there any rules/limitations to what can be set via:

Code: Select all

result:set("VARIABLE_NAME", value)
For example is there a string length limitation for "VARIABLE_NAME"?
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Re: Tax summary report

Post by dbolton »

I got the totals working in the end. Instead of Lua, I used JavaScript on the table to calculate the sum for each category. This approached worked better for me for three reasons.
* I already know JavaScript.
* I can exporting the report to HTML, open in a browser, and use my normal tools to develop and debug the JavaScript.
* The JavaScript can work with any categories in the table. No need to hard code any categories in Lua or the Template.
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Re: Tax summary report

Post by siowena »

Hi dbolton

If you are willing, please export the report into a grm files and upload into the report section on github as others may find this useful.
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Re: Tax summary report

Post by Nikolay »

Aslo you could upload a zip archive of the report here.
Then I can add it to GitHub repo
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Re: Tax summary report

Post by dbolton »

The Tax Summary is now ready for others to use (see attached).

A few issues:
  • The report doesn't know where attachments are saved without you editing line 2 of the SQL (line 2). There didn't seem to be a built-in way to access this folder. I tried "file://%DATABASE%/..." (from Settings > Attachments) and "attachment:Transaction|2308" (used in the Transaction Report for attachment links) and "./" (which would give you the current directory on the web).
  • The report can show image attachments but can't open non-image attachments. Any PNG or JPEG attachments show on hover, but if you click on the link to a PDF or Word document nothing happens. This seems to be a limitation of the HTML viewer in Money Manager Ex.
  • User needs to customize the list of tax-related categories and subcategories in the SQL (lines 56-57). I added a few tax-related categories/subcategories from the default list. Obviously, if you added custom categories you might need to add them here. I'm open to ideas on making this simpler for the user. Quicken had a built in "tax-related" checkbox you could select when you created a category or subcategory. That might be a nice addition for future versions of Money Manager Ex.
I'm interested in better ways to work around any of these issues.
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Re: Tax summary report

Post by tycariadus »

Hi: Is there an update to this report? I've imported the template and just for simplicity used Income as the category and Salary (see attached)
Screenshot 2025-01-04 113740.png
Screenshot 2025-01-04 113740.png (2.3 KiB) Viewed 9893 times
as the sub category but get the error "SQL Syntax Error (SQL logic error[1]: no such table: subcategory_v1). I'm no programmer so just trying to muddle through this!

I do agree that a tick box for categories and subcategories would be good where you state if an item is a Tax related category and then the report could be a standard as part of the MMEX package, which incidentally we love (and thank you).

Any help you can give would be really appreciated!


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Re: Tax summary report

Post by MlinMMEX »

dbolton wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:01 am I'm open to ideas on making this simpler for the user. Quicken had a built in "tax-related" checkbox you could select when you created a category or subcategory. That might be a nice addition for future versions of Money Manager Ex.
Yes, I agree. You can also get ideas from Microsoft Money's easy interface for setting categories and relate to taxes. (Easily you can google images for "Microsoft money tax settings for categories")

Specially interesting to track for investments, IMHO.
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