Getting started

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Getting started

Post by ParadigmShifter »

MMEX newbie here, I am trying to set up an Investment account.

I am taking a look at the documentation section, but I am still a bit confused. This is the first time I use accounting software and I`m not familiar with the workflow and with some concepts.

Here is what I'm trying to model in MMEX: my bank offers investment options, and I applied for an investment fund. Every month, my bank automatically withdraws a certain amount of my bank account (for example $50) and buys this amount in the fund shares for me. The investment funds are also from my bank. I will call my bank "MyBank".

Here is what I tried to do in MMEX:
  • I opened a Stock account called MyBank_Broker (as my bank acts as the broker). I left the initial balance as $0.00.
  • I created an initial stock investment, in a company MyBank_Company (as the investment is in funds of my bank). In this investment I set the amount of shares I have today, and also their price, for example $1000 for 500 shares with $2 a share.
  • I now have, inside MyBank_Broker, a Stock account called MyBank_Company, where I can see the operation of purchasing of $1,000.00 of shares to MyBank_Company. I also set the initial balance for this account as $1,000.00.
  • The last step created a Share Account, MyBank_Company, where I can see exactly the same information as my MyBank_Company Stock Account.
Now, here is what I don't understand: In my MyBank_Company Stock Account/MyBank_Company Share Account I have "Account Bal: $0.00 Reconciled Bal: $1,000.00 Diff: $-1,000.00. Should the Diff not be 0.00? It seems that I am negative, but that is not the case. I set the initial value of the accounts to $1.000,00 because I thought it would be counted as the money I used to buy the initial lot of shares of my account, but that reasoning seems wrong.

I am attaching some screenshots of the steps I performed.

If I understand correctly, also, the Share Account for "Company X" exactly mirrors the Stock Account for "Company X"? If so, what is the purpose of having these two?

Thanks for all the help.

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Re: Getting started

Post by MlinMMEX »

Hmmm interesting
set the initial value of the accounts to $1.000,00 because I thought it would be counted as the money I used to buy the initial lot of shares of my account, but that reasoning seems wrong.
I also think so...
  • Did you transfer from a normal account the money to get the shares to the Share Account?
  • Have you tried to use newer version of MMEX (portable version) and see if there is updates?
Hope this helps...
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Re: Getting started

Post by ParadigmShifter »

Hey, thanks for the comment.

I haven't tried to use the portable version as of yet.

In the end, I used the following setup. It is basically what I've commented on previously, but now I grasped the workflow better. It is a bit clunky, but it works for my case.
  1. I created a Share Acount that represents my bank's broker. I'll call this MyBank_Broker. It opened it with the amount I had in shares. For example, if I had $100 in 10 shares, I opened this account with $100. Each share has a value of $10 in this case.
  2. I go to the Stock Portfolio of MyBank_Broker. I add a New Stock Investment and I buy the initial value worth of shares (in this case 10 shares for a worth of $100). Now MyBank_Broker has a balance of zero.
  3. To update my amount of shares, in the beginning of each month I transfer $100 my from normal bank account to the Share Account of MyBank_Broker.
  4. From my bank, I get the share purchase price and use it to calculate the number of shares to purchase knowing that I will invest $100. For example, my bank says that now the shares are worth $10.5. I will buy $100/$10.5 = 9.524 shares.
  5. I go to the Stock Portfolio of MyBank_Broker and I Add a Stock Transaction to the one I set up before (careful: I add a Stock Transaction, I do not create a new Stock Investment, since I am purchasing the same shares). 9.524 is the Share Number, and $10.5 is the Share Price.
This works for me, so for the moment I think I will keep up doing it. Hope it is useful for other also.

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Re: Getting started

Post by guanlisheng »

plus @Nickallington
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