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Loan Payment

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 10:38 am
by frankglemstone
I have no record of my balances that are actually debt if my auto and mortgage accounts are just payees. Making payments in the dark with no record of payoff information.
I can track the balances of my auto and mortgage loans if I convert them to term accounts, but none of my payments appear as "Where the money goes" since MMEX considers them transfers.
I shouldn't have to pick between keeping track of my balance and not seeing my largest expenses on any expense reports.
This is because I've took a loan and calculated it via tool
I've only been using MMEX for a few weeks, but the lack of capacity to control the largest expenses is a deal-breaker. I'd be grateful for any assistance with this.
Since MMEX considers them transfers: Loan accounts are dumb containers for money, they contain transactions only if their funds have been transferred from another account. This is completely normal and expected. If you do not want to transfer any funds, please remove the account (or better - convert them to dummy/shadow).

BTW - thanks for finally accepting my question =)

Re: Loan Payment

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 12:23 am
by whall3y
This type of feature has been requested before ... ssues/3859, As it has been raised again I'll see how we can best implement this in the next build.