v1.6.2 is released
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 7:11 pm
https://github.com/moneymanagerex/money ... tag/v1.6.2
NOTE: Your database will be updated once you run this version. You will then not be able to open your database with earlier versions of the software or run Android versions with the same database. As ever, it is recommended to take a copy of your database prior to installing any new software version.
NOTE: #1477 changes the DB schema for the storage of categories. Whilst this will not affected basic usage of MMEX if you have created GRM reports that use categories then you may need to update them. The standard GRM templates have been updated to accommodate the new schema and can be used as examples. In particular see: https://github.com/moneymanagerex/gener ... tegoryList
#1477 Nested Categories
#5302 Upgrade SQLite
#5334 QIF Import does not import transactions with date < today if the account doesn't already exist
#5346 Account summary not showing assets or shares
#5352 Crash on selecting Monthly or Yearly - Reports: Summary of Accounts
#5356 README links to Travis CI for linux/mac build status
#5359 Order by 'status icon' column in transaction lists
#5360 Hovering mouse pointer over an asset icon displays unwanted tooltip outline
#5364 Multi-transaction edit not allowing change to Amount, Payee, or Category
#5370 Reconciled amount incorrect if deleted transactions exist
#5372 Resolve MSVC compiler warnings
#5377 Modifications of split values are lost when row is added
#5381 Asset - Initial Value and Current Value
#5382 Mouse wheel scrolling rate is very slow in Split Transactions dialog
#5391 Use of | (pipe) in category name causes issues with transaction report
#5392 Unexpected space added to Category filter when Regex is used to include multiple sub categories
#5415 MMEX Options: center labels under icons
#5416 Currency Dialog - Incorrect Column Header ("Symbol" should be "Code")
#5433 Failure to upgrade database to DB v17 for MMEX 1.6.2
https://github.com/moneymanagerex/money ... tag/v1.6.2
NOTE: Your database will be updated once you run this version. You will then not be able to open your database with earlier versions of the software or run Android versions with the same database. As ever, it is recommended to take a copy of your database prior to installing any new software version.
NOTE: #1477 changes the DB schema for the storage of categories. Whilst this will not affected basic usage of MMEX if you have created GRM reports that use categories then you may need to update them. The standard GRM templates have been updated to accommodate the new schema and can be used as examples. In particular see: https://github.com/moneymanagerex/gener ... tegoryList
#1477 Nested Categories
#5302 Upgrade SQLite
#5334 QIF Import does not import transactions with date < today if the account doesn't already exist
#5346 Account summary not showing assets or shares
#5352 Crash on selecting Monthly or Yearly - Reports: Summary of Accounts
#5356 README links to Travis CI for linux/mac build status
#5359 Order by 'status icon' column in transaction lists
#5360 Hovering mouse pointer over an asset icon displays unwanted tooltip outline
#5364 Multi-transaction edit not allowing change to Amount, Payee, or Category
#5370 Reconciled amount incorrect if deleted transactions exist
#5372 Resolve MSVC compiler warnings
#5377 Modifications of split values are lost when row is added
#5381 Asset - Initial Value and Current Value
#5382 Mouse wheel scrolling rate is very slow in Split Transactions dialog
#5391 Use of | (pipe) in category name causes issues with transaction report
#5392 Unexpected space added to Category filter when Regex is used to include multiple sub categories
#5415 MMEX Options: center labels under icons
#5416 Currency Dialog - Incorrect Column Header ("Symbol" should be "Code")
#5433 Failure to upgrade database to DB v17 for MMEX 1.6.2