Widgets not working?

MMEX4Android: Manage your finances on-the-go, encrypted for security, sync via your own cloud

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Widgets not working?

Post by rdquinlan »

I recently upgraded from a very old version after finding Money Manager EX on F-Droid. I'm delighted with the newer version, but it doesn't look like the transaction entry widget is working. It just takes me into whatever screen I was last on in the app.

I tried searching for information on the widgets, but the entries I found are quite old. Is this currently a known issue? Is it on the fix list? I can certainly live without, but it did make my use of the app quicker and easier. I try to enter everything at the point of sale and saving a few taps makes a difference.

Thank you!
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Re: Widgets not working?

Post by guanlisheng »

Widget function is still in backlog, hopefully it will be available in near future.

@rdquinlan , May we know how old is your previous MMEX? And great if you can share more your usage.
for the particular case, can you check whether your default account in set in mmex.
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