Linking payments of one account to another.

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Linking payments of one account to another.

Post by maddog »

Thanks for letting me join, I believe this software is just what I wanted.

I have more than one account with my bank. And There are misc monies that go from one to the other, which show up as savings payments.
Is there a way for this software to automatically have the payment show in the savings account?


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Re: Linking payments of one account to another.

Post by Renato »

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding your question.
If you want to automatically transfer the transactions on the bank account to MMEX, then you could import these entries into MMEX using a .csv file provided by the bank, for example.
If you want to carry out recurring bookings (transfers) from one account to another in MMEX, you can enter these under "Scheduled Transactions".
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Re: Linking payments of one account to another.

Post by spillaip »

It sounds like you're interested in auto-sweep accounts. These accounts automatically transfer excess funds from your savings account to a fixed deposit (FD) to earn a higher interest rate.

To manage the balance between these accounts, you can use a regular transfer transaction. This will allow you to move funds manually between your savings and FD accounts as needed.
Thank you
Dr Suresh PB