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Start-Up Menu Option

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 6:14 pm
by Wirmike
When I open MMEX I have a preference to go via the small option start-up window, taking the first ‘Open Last Opened Database’ option.
However, there are times when I really need to open up a different database; these would need me to go via ‘Open Last Opened Database’ and then take the [FILE]>‘Recently Used’ option via that database.
Over the 16ish+ years of using MMEX, this has not been a real issue, but it does niggle (in a small way) that a slicker by-pass, via a ‘Recent Files’ option, does not exist in this window.
So, could I suggest that a button (Recent Files) be added to this window?
Hopefully this will not be to the detriment of the nicely minimalist style of the window!
Suggested order from the top -
1: Open Last Opened Database
2: Recent Files <<< suggestion
3: Open Existing Database
4: New Database
5: User Interface Language
6: User Manual
7: Website Support Forums

Hope that this helps.

Re: Start-Up Menu Option

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 7:30 pm
by Renato
I understand this wish.

However, I see some problems with the realisation, as these ‘last opened files’ are stored in the .db3 database and this will not yet be open at this time. In this context there are further problems, because the same .db3 (contains the settings) is used for all .mmb databases and this means that, for example, the base currency, the language, etc. are the same for all .mmb.

I have solved the problem for myself as follows: viewtopic.php?p=23851&hilit=mmexini#p23851

Another possibility is to save the .mmb files on the desktop and to link the extension .mmb with the MMEX.exe.
Then you can start the corresponding database directly.