Android Port of MMEX

MMEX4Android, Google Play, and F-Droid

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Android Port of MMEX

Post by android-mmex »

Hey Guys, we would like to announce the beta release of android money manager ex!

It is an Android port of the MMEX, developed from scratch to reproduce the main functionality of the desktop version on the mobile platform. We are still under development, however the basic features are available. Moreover there is the possibility to share data between the desktop version and the android version using a synchronization via Dropbox. More features are going to be added in the future, including database encryption.

The application is distributed under GPLv2 license, and makes use of the ActionBarSherlock and ViewPagerIndicator libraries by Jack Wharton (our credit goes to him for those libraries).

If you are interested, please try it and drop us a note or two, tell us what you think about it, or report any bugs or suggestions.

Here is the link of the Google Play page, where it is available for download: ... manager.ex

Here is the link of our Google Code page, for basic info about the project, sources, feedback, etc...

The Android Money Manager Project