Sync Android - Mac

MMEX4Android: Manage your finances on-the-go, encrypted for security, sync via your own cloud

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Sync Android - Mac

Post by Benvan45 »

Everything seemed to go just great, but at least once a week, I stumble over the fact that MMEX is not synchronising. MACOSX Big Sur Beta and Android 2018.11.15.987. To fix it, I have to re-open the database in Dropbox every time again. How come??? I don't have any clue, but I've had it now completely and just use it on my phone and don't bother with synchronisation anymore to my Mac. Installed Android 2019.02.14.994 (latest).Too bad really, as I love this program, but I can't stand this problem over and over again. It's not Mac, that's causing it. I think really, that it is Android screwing it up. But......hope there will be one day, it'll work great again. For now......goodbye and take car!

Best regards,

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