Bulk relocate payees

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Bulk relocate payees

Post by chaosxian »

Nearly every Amazon credit card transcaction, results in a unique Amazon.com payee. I'd like to relocate all of these to simply "amazon.com" in one action.

How is that done? I have many payees who do this, or who have changed their credit card names. It's quite the mess my anal self want to remove.

How can I do this in bulk? Not one at a time... Thanks!
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Re: Bulk relocate payees

Post by MartinArmstrong »

You cannot reallocate multiple payees at once but you can easily edit multiple transactions so that they have the same payee.

1. Sort your transaction list by payee but clicking on the heading of the Payee column. This will group all the Amazon.comXXXXXXX payees together.
2. Select all the transactions you wish to change by clicking on the first, then Shift+click on the last.
3. Right click and select Edit Transactions...
4. Change the Payee to Amazon.com
5. OK
6. Click on the heading of the Date column to return the transaction list to the normal order.

Note that there has been some discussion about providing the ability to automatically match payees when bank transactions are imported.
See https://github.com/moneymanagerex/money ... ssues/3148.

Until this facility is implemented, you will have to use the approach I have listed above.
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Re: Bulk relocate payees

Post by Nikolay »

You can do without sorting. It is better to use a filter with a regular expression.
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