... ag/v1.5.14
Download here:
#4183 Attachments are not cloned when a transaction is duplicated (or copy/pasted)
#4187 Filter out obsolete currencies in Currency Dialog and Currency Exchange Rates
#4189 Categories Monthly Report end date wrong
#4191 Invalid group separator issue
#4195 Zero Share price summary issue
#4200 Summary of Accounts - Yearly - Miscalculations
#4207 Set custom fields when editing multiple transactions
#4223 Closed account - icon color
#4227 Cannot edit or add payees in "Edit Recurring Transaction" window
#4233 HTMLEncode not handling non-ASCII
#4235 Sort issue? - Capital vs lowercase
#4239 Transaction Report -> Transaction Filter: Can't change 'Transfer To' from here
#4240 Transaction Report Footers Take Up Too Much Space
#4241 'Others Icons size' sometimes get changed unexpectedly...
#4242 RSS feed on new site is at a different URL
#4258 1.5.14-Beta.1 does not compile on Ubuntu 18.04 'bionic'
#4260 Recurring Transaction Dialog should show day of week
#3998 Reports summarized to main category
v1.5.14 is released
Moderator: Renato
- Developer
- Posts: 348
- Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 5:44 pm
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