1.5.16 Budget Category Display 64bit

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1.5.16 Budget Category Display 64bit

Post by Ianola »

Since the 1.5.16 update the Edit Transaction window displays all the categories as one long list. This makes finding the appropriate category much harder as I have to scroll through up to 90 categories to find the right one. Previous to 1.5.16 they were displayed in the same manner as the Organize Categories Dialogue window which allows me to expand sub categories from under the main category heading using the + button which makes finding the required category much more efficient.

Am I missing a setting that I cannot find? If not then it would be most helpful if the categories in the Edit Transaction window could be displayed as they were prior to 1.5.16.

Thanks, Ian
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Re: 1.5.16 Budget Category Display 64bit

Post by MartinArmstrong »

If you press the Enter in the empty Category field, then the tree style Organize Categories will be displayed where you can select (or modify) categories as you did previously.

Or, if you start typing the name of the category, eg. type Hom then the list will filtered to the items starting with those letters.

A tooltip will likely be added in the next version to make this behaviour clearer.
Last edited by MartinArmstrong on Mon Jul 04, 2022 7:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 1.5.16 Budget Category Display 64bit

Post by Renato »

with the window open, enter the first letter of the category reduces the selection.
by the way: On https://github.com/moneymanagerex/moneymanagerex/issues this problem was discussed.
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Re: 1.5.16 Budget Category Display 64bit

Post by Ianola »

Thanks for your replies. I tried both the entry key and typing the category and am now up to speed. A tooltip would have been most helpful for education on the new way of doing things. The tooltip in the next issue would be most welcome.
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