... ag/v1.5.18
#3226 Organize Attachments dialog refers to internal account number instead of the actual account name
#4827 Options fields fit if resized
#4828 Renaming Category - Unfriendly error message and incorrectly display of category name
#4843 Transaction Report - no data
#4838 Last Used Category is not filled in when selecting Payee from Organize Payees Dialog
#4852 MMEX will not run on MacOS < 10.14
#4867 Custom decimal field precision incorrect on transaction edit
#4830 Cashflow report showing transactions
#4840 Cash Flow reports settings
#4863 Improve usability of pop-up calendar on MacOS
v1.5.18 is released
Moderator: Renato
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- Posts: 348
- Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 5:44 pm
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