Another error in balances

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Another error in balances

Post by Eddietheone »

Hi all (again)

OK having admitted defeat in a previous thread trying to replicate an error in several columns after discovering it had something to do with the deleted items another issue has cropped up. I have been watching this program like a hawk ever since and this month another discrepancy has shown up in my cc account.

Currently my cc is showing in my banking app as -£158.31p
MMex is showing my reconciled balance as -£158.36p

I have had similar discrepancies before and until now they have been simple typos and easily fixed.
Every whole month for the last 6 months the reconciled balance has matched the bank staement.

Unfortualy my cc banking app does not show the running total alongside the entries as my debit account does which makes finding out where the error actually appeared a lot harder to track down.

I have very carefully compared the entries not once but three times now and cannot find any typo on any entry. I have even tracked back to Nov 2023 and still no typo. So the question is can anyone give me any idea as to why this admittedly very minor error should excist. Cheers Edward
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Re: Another error in balances

Post by Renato »

which MMEX version does this problem occur? ??
Bank statements normally show a continuous balance,
If you compare this balance with the rolling balance in MMEX, you will usually find the problem very quickly.
Renato Forum Administrator