A GUI SQLite client compatible with MMEX encryption

MMEX4Desktop, incl. Windows, macOS (10.10 or newer), and Most Unix variants using the GTK+ toolkit

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A GUI SQLite client compatible with MMEX encryption

Post by guanlisheng »

Hope the tool can help one your regular usage with MMEX

Windows (wxsqliteplus.zip)

851: 屏幕快照 2014-07-24 上午11.06.37.png

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Re: A GUI SQLite client which is compatible with MMEX encryption

Post by guanlisheng »

the tool could now open mmex4desktop (default) and mmex4android's encrypted file.

for mmex4desktop, the default is

Code: Select all

PRAGMA cipher=aes128cbc;
for mmex4android, we need

Code: Select all

PRAGMA cipher=SQLCipher;
pragma legacy=4;
shortly, we believe the two would be unified.
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Re: A GUI SQLite client which is compatible with MMEX encryption

Post by guanlisheng »

wxSQLitePlus would both directly now. next step is to unify them

Download It
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Re: A GUI SQLite client compatible with MMEX encryption

Post by guanlisheng »

three steps to convert encrypted desktop (aes128) to android one (SQLCipher/aes256)
1. Download wxSQLitePlus
2. Open your desktop database file (either encrypted or plained)
3. File -> Encryption Key will upgrade the cipher to SQLCipher/AES256 in place.
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Re: A GUI SQLite client compatible with MMEX encryption

Post by guanlisheng »

with switch default cipher to CipherSQLCipher4(AES256) from AES128 PR merged, MMEX4Desktop will start to support SQLCipher(AES256) soon.

Then wxSQLitePlus would play as a handy tool to convert historical AES128 database to SQLCipher(AES256)